Sell what you own and buy what you want.
Tradesy makes resale fast, simple and stylish - for buyers and sellers.*
You deserve to get exactly what you pay for — it’s as simple as that.
At Tradesy, we have a zero-tolerance policy for replicas.
We’re not trying to brag, but our authentication rates are the best in the industry. Simply put, our smart technology automatically detects and removes fakes listed on our site — all with 99.7% accuracy.
In other words, only a teeny-tiny 0.3% of items listed on Tradesy are inauthentic. If you happen to get one of those, you’ll get your money back. Shop fearlessly knowing we’ve always got your back.
If you’ve made a purchase and don’t feel confident about the item’s authenticity, send it to Tradesy HQ — roundtrip shipping is on us. Our team of in-house authenticators will do a thorough complimentary inspection (they geek out over stitch counts and serial codes). If they determine it’s fake, you get a full refund. Even if it’s confirmed authentic — it’s your call whether to keep it or get Tradesy Site Credit.
Help us keep it real. Spot something sketchy? Just click the flag button on the item page to report it to our Trust Team.
On Tradesy, it’s always fair and always authentic — or we’ll always make it right.