BUT since American Sniper the only movie I enjoyed besides Hangover he has been really letting his grooming go down. Now most magazines have him as Fittest Male celebs according to the women's health magazine of course along with like Ryan Gossling and Zac Efron. Now me I go for the ones the take on real fitness championships like Mr Olympia or as such inspire me with bodybuilding. But I agree the money is from this arena. Like Dwayne Johnson who I respect was a champion athlete and cross overed to the entertainment end. Which shocked me on his Fit Style figuring when he made the big bucks he would small down for the movies. But he stood true to his athleticism. The Movie Pain and Gains with another fitness champ Mark Wahlberg really showcased a true story of shockingly funny case of how it is struggling in that job category. As like Arnold S. who started as a personal trainer and another one who actually took place of Arnold in Golds Gym by the name of Antonio Almeida. In his book Spiritual Muscle he talks of his experience in the industry.
Which brings me back to the B-Coop and his major support to the military. Yet not sure if it was cause he pissed a lot of them off regarding the convention deal not sure about that. But mostly cause of the Movie American Sniper which WOW this guy has got Spiritul Muscle. Check out how he transforms.
But ever since he dated that russian chick he has really lost his style and is frumpy. Maybe he needs to get with an american girl who knows fitness close to his age. He's got this Arab desert beard thing going on. Which not sure what that is be that I like to let it go sometimes too. But MAN what is up/ I know from a survey done if ladies are attracted to beards and according to Complex Magazine they are not. Maybe the War got to him LOL. Another thing he was commented at referred to as " DAD'S AGE"
You be the judge... 
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